Our Vision
At Oasis Academy Brislington our philosophy is simply, we are working to secure "Excellence as Standard" in all that we do. We are committed to building an exceptional school which will enable all of our young people to thrive and give our Community a school of which they can be proud. For this to become a reality we all need to work together in close partnership. The Home-Academy agreement sets out the expectations for the Academy, for students and for parents.
As a parent/carer I will:
- Support the Academy by working with staff to ensure that my child meets the Academy expectations and follows all Academy values and follows all Academy values and rules as set out in policies and other documents.
- Promote excellent attendance and punctuality by ensuring that my child attends the Academy regularly and is on time.
- Notify the Academy of any leave of absence request and accept this may not be authorised
- Ensure that my child is wearing full Academy uniform correctly and arrives properly equipped for every lesson, every day
- Inform the Academy of any concerns or problems which may affect my child's work or behaviour.
- Attend Parents' Evenings, Celebration Evenings and other Academy events and meetings as required.
- Help to support my child towards meeting and exceeding their personal best.
- Ensure that my child attends 'Period 6 Intervention' sessions as directed by the Academy.
- Support the completion of coursework and home study.
- Check my child's planner and sign on a weekly basis.
- Encourage my child to use social media responsibly.
- Give permission for the Academy to store data on my child.
- Give permission for the Academy to use photographs and film footage of my child in an Academy context for possible circulation.
- Undertake to pay for the cost of any repairs arising from vandalism or inappropriate behaviour on the part of my child.
- Give permission for my child to participate in formal sporting and recreational activities organised by the Academy including organised travel to and from off-site venues.
Parent/Carer Name: .......................................................................................
Signed: ............................................................................................................Date: .........................................................
As a student I will:
- Strive to attend the Academy every day and arrive on time.
- 'Work Hard' every day towards achieving my personal best.
- 'Look Smart', wearing correct uniform and conducting myself in a sensible and orderly manor at all times.
- 'Be Nice' at all times, showing respect to adults and treating others in the manner that I would expect to be treated.
- Use social media responsibly.
- Give letters and other information from the Academy to my parent/carer.
- Utilise my planner to record homework and important dates, ensuring my parent/carer signs it every week.
- Play my part in the improvement of my Academy by striving to improve my standards of work and behaviour at all times.
- Make positive choices and get involved in all Academy activities, including Period 6.
- Respect and look after the Academy environment and equipment, taking a positive stance against litter and other such issues.
Student Name: .............................................................................................
Signed: .........................................................................................................Date: .............................................................