
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Student Wellbeing

Support in the academy

Butterfly is a face to face counselling service that is available in school. Any students who would like to speak to a counsellor should talk to their 360 Year Team Manager or Nicola Griffiths, Senior Mental Health Lead about a referral. 

External Support

Kooth is a free, confidential online counselling and well-being platform for young people aged 11-18.  It provides counselling up until 10pm, 365 days a year along with self-help materials co-produced by other young people, live moderated forums and fully-moderated peer-to-peer support. To access Kooth please click on the link below.

Please also see our Safeguarding Resources for students for any other issues you may want support with.