
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community


"Creativity is experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes and having fun"

Mary Lee Cook

"The Earth is Art. The photographer is only a witness" 

Yann-Arthurs Bertrand 

Curriculum Intent

The purpose of the curriculum in REAL subjects at Oasis Brislington is to challenge students to improve themselves by focusing on four areas of development.

Personal confidence - REAL is designed to inspire students to develop personal confidence through building resilience and problem solving in all subject areas through exploration, experimentation and without fear of failure in a safe and supportive environment.

Creative skills - The studying of each subject exposes students to the journey of the mastery of creative skills and techniques which lead to personal expression and innovation. We challenge students to respond to the world around them and find ways to communicate their ideas through thinking, writing, designing, making and reflecting.

Aspirations – REAL subjects encourage the development of emotional intelligence where students are able to recognise and fulfil their potential through experiencing success. Having the highest aspirations for future plans and understanding how what they are learning can be applied in real world contexts is the foundation of learning. REAL subjects open the door to future career pathways by always looking outwards.

Cultural capital – in order to inspire creativity we study REAL subjects to develop curiosity of the world around us developing understanding of what came before; a sense of history and the cultural and social context that surrounds the creation and development of work in all subject areas. By exposing students to experiences in the real world it is possible to think bigger, engage with different cultures and ideas and become independent thinkers and doers.

Subject Intent

Everyone can be a photographer. Our students are inspired to become skilled at using photography as a medium in which to express their own ideas and opinions though understanding of historical or social context of imagery, developing technical skills and personal responsibility in the ways that they work. Studying visual culture enables our young people to explore their place in the world and how they can make imagery to document, decorate, question or subvert through their own work by deciphering meaning in the work of others.

Future Career Pathways 

Should you have any queries or would like further information regarding this subject please contact Mr G Chalke via email: