
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Physical Education

"There are really only two requirements when it comes to exercise.  One is that you do it.  The other is that you continue to do it.”

Dr Jennie Brand Miller, Kaye Foster-Powll, Dr Stephen Colagiuri, Alan W. Barclay ‘The New Glucose Revolution for Diabetes”

“Each child comes to school with a dream, do we help them to realize it or destroy it?”   

James Anderson    

Subject Intent   

Physical education will be at the heart of the Academy and will endeavour to promote life-long physical activity. Students will improve their health and wellbeing through a holistic approach that allows them to flourish and become valuable members of society. We will create opportunities for students to develop personally through a wide range of experiences. Students will make progress and become physically literate and able to articulate the key knowledge required for physical education whatever their starting point. Students will have opportunities to engage in competitive sport and activities, building character and embedding core values.

Purpose of study 

Physical education should inspire students to become physically competent in a way which promotes lifelong physical activity. The Oasis Physical Education Curriculum will improve students’ health and wellbeing through a holistic approach that allows them to flourish and become valuable members within their community. Students will be provided with opportunities to develop personally through a wide range of experiences. They will have opportunities to engage and excel in competitive sport, physical activities and leadership, building character and embedding wider core values throughout.

We value character, competence and community in our curriculum:

  • Character: Physical education can promote the holistic development of students, helping them to become better versions of themselves by emphasising moral traits such as respect and fairness. Within our heart assessment students will be encouraged to promote sportsmanship and fair play, students will develop good habits that will bring out the best in each other both inside and outside of sport and physical activity.
  • Competence: Through our hands and head assessment students will be developing their competence within physical education, which will improve confidence and provide students with the skills and knowledge to lead physically active lives. Physical education will ensure students aspire and take the next steps in their education and personal challenges.
  • Community: Through teamwork and opportunities to build character, physical education can foster a sense of belonging amongst students. Students learn how to work collaboratively in physical education which is embedded within the heart assessment, developing leadership skills and helping students to create meaningful relationships and contribute to a positive community culture. Students will understand the pathways within community sport promoting lifelong physical activity. Through sport, students will recognise social and physical barriers to sport within their community and wider topical issues, modelling the nine habits.                                                

Future Career Pathways: 

Should you have any queries or would like further information regarding this subject please contact Mr P Scullion (Subject Leader) via email: