Transforming Learning
The Oasis Curriculum - Our Statement of Intent
In line with the Oasis' Education Charter, the curriculum is the heart of our academy's educational provision. Through this and our commitment to an exceptional climate for learning and great pedagogy we make learning the foundation of every lesson. We have designed our curriculum to provide our students with the 'knowledge, skills and confidence to stand as first among equals'. Meet the needs of all, striving for personal as well as academic and vocational excellence. Through our curriculum we will achieve outcomes that drive mobility and give everyone freedom of choice throughout their lives.
The Oasis ethos and 9 Habits are a foundation stone to the design and delivery of our curriculum. We know that the development of character doesn't happen by chance but by purpose and intention; it is therefore an explicit part of the curriculum.
At Brislington we reinforce the Oasis ethos and 9 Habits with the student charter, we all strive to look smart, be nice and work hard.
Our curriculum supports our current 5 year narrative:
"To be the 'best' truly comprehensive secondary school within the City of Bristol for the people it serves"
We attach great importance to our comprehensive five years careers programme which focuses on bespoke personal guidance addressing the needs of each of our students, whilst addressing our Academy context and the labour market. It ensures students encounter employers and employees and that students experience workplaces and further and higher education so that they can make aspirational and informed choices for their future.
Our curriculum has been designed to ensure our young people thrive, achieve and flourish. It enables them to understand what it is to be human and equips them for life so that they become kind and model citizens. Our curriculum not only develops our young people academically but socially, emotionally, culturally, physically and spiritually.
Whilst our knowledge-rich curriculum is designed to ensure the very best academic outcomes for our young people using the latest research in how the brain and memory works, it is about so much more than simply securing great results. It is about our academy's determination to achieve excellence with equity and integrity; where we bring advantage to the disadvantaged, where barriers to learning are successfully overcome and there are no limits to the achievement and ambition of our most able.
At Brislington we believe that curriculum is everything that happens to a learner in school. As leaders we craft the curriculum in terms of what is taught, how it's taught and why it's taught with the bespoke needs of our Brislington students in mind. We believe that the acquisition of knowledge and understanding is fundamental but the curriculum encompasses far more than that. We focus on a broad and relevant curriculum to engage all learners and prepare students for the next stage of education.
Our academy's focus will be on providing students with a broad and ambitious academic and vocational curriculum throughout their five years of learning. We are committed to continuing to provide the same breadth that students receive as they enter the academy throughout all five years. Our curriculum is one that opens doors to students as they enter their next stage of learning.
Our knowledge-rich curriculum and our commitment to the Oasis ethos and Nine Habits is supported by our Trust's policies on Teaching and Learning and Behaviour for Learning and the work of our National Lead Practitioners and Leads for Learning Innovation.
Our commitment to providing students with a wide range of extra-curricular clubs and activities will add depth and breadth to our provision and allow our students to follow their hobbies and interests outside of the formal curriculum. We believe that extra-curricular activities play an important role in shaping the personality and overall development of a human being. Extracurricular activities aid the development and physical, mental and social health of young adults as well as building character and lifelong skills such as teamwork, resilience and independence.